The Hopeless Housewife
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:22 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
The New America
Song Author
Greg Graffin
File Size
63 KB
Get out of your nine-teen-fif-ty's fan-ta-sy,
Your face shines with mi-se-ry trans-par-ent-ly
Spew out that so-be-ring
half-assed vic-tim rhe-to-ric
Make 'em all squirm
while they chew on it
It's a se-cret hand-shake
and a pas-sing wink of the eye
As the wit-ches bridge club week-ly
meets to pen the tail on the sly
But they ne-ver ask
"why oh why don't we raise our voi-ces to the sky?"
In-stead you're mute
and fawn just wait-ing to die
Like some kind of hope-less house-wife
But you can change while you're a-live
and let 'em all know at least you tried
to kill the de-mons in-side
Damn your trans-cen-den-tal pa-ra-ly-sis
We can work to-get-her
and make sense of this
Don't be so sure
you can chuck it all a-way
You've got to pro-ceed
no mat-ter how bad you want to stay
It's a na-tu-ral cause
and a com-fort zone
there in your head
And the world turns a-way
as you tap the snooze but-ton in bed
But no-bo-dy can hear a word you said
Your his-to-ry was ne-ver read
In-stead you're mute
and fawn just wait-ing to die
Like some kind of hope-less house-wife
But you can change while you're a-live
and let 'em all know at least you tried
to kill the de-mons in-side